All posts by admin

Circuits For Fun Closing Down

It’s been a fun ride!

Six years ago I set out to create a few products that would make learning electronics fun and easy for everyone. Over that course of time I had the pleasure of hearing from thousands and thousands of people sharing great stories of what they have learned and what kind of projects they were building. This was just a part time endeavor worked on after a long day at my full time job, needless to say there were times when I was so exhausted I wasn’t sure how long I could keep this up but hearing from so many happy customers was the fuel that kept me going.

Unfortunately I’ve reached a point now that I have too many other big projects going on that I just can’t dedicate enough time to support this side effort anymore and must call it quits.

I will continue to keep the site around for a while longer and the email for another year to offer support for existing customers so they are not left high and dry but there will be no new or current products for sale anymore.

Digital Music Box Project



New Digital Music Box project work in progress:

  • Wind up rotary encoder with wind up clicking sound effect.
  • External input for button or other trigger mechanism
  • Deep sleep mode when not playing to conserve battery for many years of life on 2 AA batteries
  • Can hold about 3 – 4 minutes worth of musical data
  • Software controlled volume level
  • Serial interface for uploading new music
  • Midi to MusicBox software to convert and upload music

Check it out and let me know what you think, I might start selling these as kits soon.


Check Out EEWeb

EEWebFor anyone interested in Electrical Engineering you should really check out EEWeb it contains numerous resources: news, forums, tools, articles, videos and more.  The web based tools alone are a great resource for any engineer but the constant flow of new articles and projects is a great source of knowledge and information.


New Breakout Board Available

feat_chipcap2We are proud to announce the availability of the ChipCap2 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Breakout Board. This low cost board comes with a lot of great features:

  • Fully Calibrated & Temperature Compensated
  • Digital i2c communication
  • Built-in Alarm function and logic pins.
  • Once alarm values are set it can work without a microcontroller.
  • Precision & Accuracy (±2%RH, ±0.3°C, 14 bit )
  • Humidity Range: 0 ~ 100% RH  -  Response Time: 7s
  • Temperature Range: -40°C ~ 125°C  -  Response Time: 5s
  • Low Current Consumption
  • Reliable in Harsh Environments

Check out the project page for more details or head over to the store to pick one up.