My son has been messing around with Scratch for a while now and always interested in electronics I asked him to try to come up with something that combines the two, this is what he came up with using pyMCU loaded with the picoboard emulation firmware:
Category Archives: Projects Around the World
Some Great Customer Created Tutorials
For anyone that hasn’t been following the Circuits For Fun forum, Piotr MaliĆski has created some really great tutorials over on his website. Head on over and check it out
Thanks for sharing Piotr.
Don’t Miss The Orlando Mini Maker Faire This Sat. Oct. 5th
If you live near the Orlando area be sure to come check out the Mini Maker Faire this Saturday October 5th. It’s going to be at the Orlando Science Center this year and there’s going to be some great makers showing off there projects as well as all the cool science center exhibits.
pyMCU Mentioned on EE|Times
There is a nice article over on EE|Times about using Ubuntu Linux for hobby engineering, written by our friend Jeremy Cook from and He gives a nice mention to pyMCU in the article, head on over and check it out.